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Strategy Name Strategy Type(s) Year Funding Amount Funding Source Features at a Glance
Michigan Longitudinal Data System
The Michigan Longitudinal Data System (MLDS), established in 2010 by the Michigan Advisory Council and the Center for Educational Performance and Information, is a P-20 longitudinal data system that includes enrollment data on all statewide early childhood programs and services (e.g., data ranging from Head Start to Child Care Subsidies), early childhood impact on K-3 absenteeism, and continuity of service in special education. This federated system (i.e., a sharing system that does not consolidate all data in one warehouse) links data through sharing agreements across multiple agencies, including the Executive Office of Education, Children’s Trust, the Department of Early Education and Care, and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The system provides demographic, program, and individual level data with unique identifier codes for agencies or approved data requests. A second system, MI School Data, uses MLDS information to provide demographic and program data for public use MLDS was created under Executive Order No. 2010-15 and is supported by a federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant. MI School Data has also been supported by a 2006 grant in partnership with Minnesota and Wisconsin ($3,000,000) and a Workforce Data Quality Initiative grant. Learn More: Michigan Longitudinal Data System Sources:Talent2025. (2020). Longitudinal Data Systems in MichiganMI School Data. (n.d.). Early Childhood Landing Page
  • Infrastructure to Support Early Childhood Systems
    • Data Systems
    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Grant, Workforce Data Quality Initiative Grant
    P-20 Longitudinal Data System
    The Michigan Longitudinal Data System (MLDS), established in 2010 by the Michigan Advisory Council and the Center for Educational Performance and Information, is a P-20 longitudinal data system that includes enrollment data on all statewide early childhood programs and services (e.g., data ranging from Head Start to Child Care Subsidies), early childhood impact on K-3 absenteeism, and continuity of service in special education. This federated system (i.e., a sharing system that does not consolidate all data in one warehouse) links data through sharing agreements across multiple agencies, including the Executive Office of Education, Children’s Trust, the Department of Early Education and Care, and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The system provides demographic, program, and individual level data with unique identifier codes for agencies or approved data requests. A second system, MI School Data, uses MLDS information to provide demographic and program data for public use MLDS was created under Executive Order No. 2010-15 and is supported by a federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant. MI School Data has also been supported by a 2006 grant in partnership with Minnesota and Wisconsin ($3,000,000) and a Workforce Data Quality Initiative grant. Learn More: Michigan Longitudinal Data System Sources:Talent2025. (2020). Longitudinal Data Systems in MichiganMI School Data. (n.d.). Early Childhood Landing Page
    Office of Great Start (OGS)
    In June of 2011, Governor Snyder signed Executive Order 2011-8 creating the Michigan Office of Great Start (OGS), within the Department of Education (MDE). The Office helps coordinate early education programs and funding streams for the state and oversees Michigan's publicly funded pre-K program, the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP). The OGS is part of the P–20 System and Student Transitions Division in the MDE. There are four offices within OGS that all report to the deputy superintendent of the division, including Early Childhood Development and Family Education; Preschool and Out-of-School Time Learning; Child Development and Care; and Head Start Collaboration. Learn more: Michigan Great Start Readiness Program Sources:Education Commission of the States (2021). Early Care and Education Governance.School Readiness Consulting & Michigan Department of Education. (2022). Michigan's Collective Early Childhood Action Plan.
    • Infrastructure to Support Early Childhood Systems
      • Administrative + Governance Models
      • Head Start and Early Head Start Funding
      • Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five
      • Philanthropic Funds
      • CCDBG Covid funds
      Nationally recognized pre-K program
      In June of 2011, Governor Snyder signed Executive Order 2011-8 creating the Michigan Office of Great Start (OGS), within the Department of Education (MDE). The Office helps coordinate early education programs and funding streams for the state and oversees Michigan's publicly funded pre-K program, the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP). The OGS is part of the P–20 System and Student Transitions Division in the MDE. There are four offices within OGS that all report to the deputy superintendent of the division, including Early Childhood Development and Family Education; Preschool and Out-of-School Time Learning; Child Development and Care; and Head Start Collaboration. Learn more: Michigan Great Start Readiness Program Sources:Education Commission of the States (2021). Early Care and Education Governance.School Readiness Consulting & Michigan Department of Education. (2022). Michigan's Collective Early Childhood Action Plan.
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      Demographics Link copied!

      Demographics Data Scorecard

      State population

      10,034,113 Source U.S. Census, 2022

      Rural %

      26.5% Source U.S. Census, 2020

      Urban %

      73.5% Source U.S. Census, 2020

      Number of children 0–4

      548,355 Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

      Poverty levels - children 0—8 below 200% poverty

      41% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

      Median family income among households with children

      $79,700.00 Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

      Unemployment rate

      4.3% Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 2022

      Unemployment rate of parents

      5% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

      Children under age 6 with all available parents in the labor force

      65% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

      Children living in households with a high housing cost burden

      25% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

      Child Population by Race and Ethnicity Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

      Race and Ethnicity

      • American Indian and Alaska Native (1%)
      • Asian (3%)
      • Black or African American (16%)
      • Hispanic or Latino (9%)
      • Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (0.49%)
      • Two or more races (5%)
      • White, not Hispanic or Latino (66%)
      Year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
      Governor D D D D D
      State House D R R R R
      State Senate D R R R R

      Early Childhood Education Programs Link copied!

      Early Childhood Education Programs

      Public Pre-K Program Name

      Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) Source: NIEER 2023

      Universal or Targeted Pre-K Policy

      Targeted Pre-K Policy (4-Year-Olds) Source: NIEER 2023

      Early Childhood Education Programs (3-Year-Olds) Source: NIEER 2023


      • Percent of 3-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Public Early Childhood Education Programs (0%)
      • 3-Year-old Children Enrolled in Head Start (11%)
      • Other/None (89%)

      Early Childhood Education Programs (4-Year-Olds) Source: NIEER 2023


      • Percent of 4-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Public Early Childhood Education Programs (31%)
      • 4-Year-old Children Enrolled in Head Start (5%)
      • Other/None (64%)

      Workforce Link copied!

      2017–2019 Median Hourly Wages Source CSCCE 2018, 2020


      • Child Care Workers
        $10.55 (2017, adjusted)
        $11.13 (2019)
      • Preschool Teachers
        $14.58 (2017, adjusted)
        $14.89 (2019)
      • Preschool or Child Care Center Directors
        $22.78 (2017, adjusted)
        $21.70 (2019)

      Funding Sources Link copied!

      Federal and State Early Childhood Education Funding (in Millions) Source First Five Years Fund, 2022

      Funding Source

      • Head Start and Early Head Start Funding ($368.4)
      • CCDBG & Mandatory Funds ($244.2)
      • CCDBG State Match ($20.3)
      • CCDBG COVID Relief Allocations - CARES, CRRSE, ARPA (CCDF & Stabilization) ($1500.0)
      • State-Funded Pre-K ($322.7)
      • MIECHV ($7.5)
      • IDEA Part C ($18.9)
      • IDEA Part B, Sec 619 ($19.4)
      • TANF Early Learning and Care ($218.4)
      • Preschool Development Grant Birth ($17.4)