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Strategy Name Strategy Type(s) Year Funding Amount Funding Source Features at a Glance
Mississippi Early Learning Collaborative Act
Signed into law in 2023, HB 817 will raise the funding rate for early learning collaboratives (ELCs) to $2,500 per child for full-day programs and $1,250 per child for half-day programs. Previous rates were $2,150 for full-day programs and $1,250 for half-day programs. Mississippi’s Early Learning Collaborative Act established state pre-K programs known as “Early Learning Collaboratives” or ELCs. Collaboratives are overseen by the Mississippi Department of Education, even though individual providers may have other oversight agencies. Learn More: Mississippi First Sources: House Bill 817 (2023). Mississippi Legislature 2023 Regular Session
  • Expansion
    • Public Pre-K
      • Targeted Pre-K Policy (4-Year-Olds)
    2023 $8 million in FY22
    State-Funded Pre-K
    Signed into law in 2023, HB 817 will raise the funding rate for early learning collaboratives (ELCs) to $2,500 per child for full-day programs and $1,250 per child for half-day programs. Previous rates were $2,150 for full-day programs and $1,250 for half-day programs. Mississippi’s Early Learning Collaborative Act established state pre-K programs known as “Early Learning Collaboratives” or ELCs. Collaboratives are overseen by the Mississippi Department of Education, even though individual providers may have other oversight agencies. Learn More: Mississippi First Sources: House Bill 817 (2023). Mississippi Legislature 2023 Regular Session
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    Demographics Data Scorecard

    State population

    2,940,057 Source U.S. Census, 2022

    Rural %

    53.7% Source U.S. Census, 2020

    Urban %

    46.3% Source U.S. Census, 2020

    Number of children 0–4

    176,891 Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

    Poverty levels - children 0—8 below 200% poverty

    51% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

    Median family income among households with children

    $61,000.00 Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

    Unemployment rate

    4% Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 2022

    Unemployment rate of parents

    4% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

    Children under age 6 with all available parents in the labor force

    69% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

    Children living in households with a high housing cost burden

    28% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

    Child Population by Race and Ethnicity Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

    Race and Ethnicity

    • American Indian and Alaska Native (1%)
    • Asian (1%)
    • Black or African American (41%)
    • Hispanic or Latino (5%)
    • Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (.49%)
    • Two or more races (3%)
    • White, not Hispanic or Latino (49%)
    Year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
    Governor R R R R R
    State House R R R R R
    State Senate R R R R R

    Early Childhood Education Programs Link copied!

    Early Childhood Education Programs

    Public Pre-K Program Name

    Early Learning Collaborative (ELC) Source: NIEER 2023

    Universal or Targeted Pre-K Policy

    Targeted Pre-K Policy (4-Year-Olds) Source: NIEER 2023

    Early Childhood Education Programs (3-Year-Olds) Source: NIEER 2023


    • Percent of 3-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Public Early Childhood Education Programs (0%)
    • 3-Year-old Children Enrolled in Head Start (24%)
    • Other/None (76%)

    Early Childhood Education Programs (4-Year-Olds) Source: NIEER 2023


    • Percent of 4-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Public Early Childhood Education Programs (8%)
    • 4-Year-old Children Enrolled in Head Start (23%)
    • Other/None (67%)

    Workforce Link copied!

    2017–2019 Median Hourly Wages Source CSCCE 2018, 2020


    • Child Care Workers
      $9.25 (2017, adjusted)
      $8.94 (2019)
    • Preschool Teachers
      $13.74 (2017, adjusted)
      $14.40 (2019)
    • Preschool or Child Care Center Directors
      $17.32 (2017, adjusted)
      $19.78 (2019)

    Funding Sources Link copied!

    Federal and State Early Childhood Education Funding (in Millions) Source First Five Years Fund, 2022

    Funding Source

    • Head Start and Early Head Start Funding ($212.3)
    • CCDBG & Mandatory Funds ($96.9)
    • CCDBG State Match ($3.0)
    • CCDBG COVID Relief Allocations - CARES, CRRSE, ARPA (CCDF & Stabilization) ($699.1)
    • State-Funded Pre-K ($7.7)
    • MIECHV ($3.0)
    • IDEA Part C ($6.1)
    • IDEA Part B, Sec 619 ($6.5)
    • TANF Early Learning and Care ($1.7)