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Strategy Name Strategy Type(s) Year Funding Amount Funding Source Features at a Glance
Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska
Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska provides supplemental pay to early childhood educators based on their education level and commitment to their early education program. WAGE$ is designed to retain and support the professional development of early education professionals; in turn, this creates a more stable workforce with the skills needed to support young children's healthy learning and development. Bonuses range from $300 to $3,500 per educator per year, with an average annual payment of $2,134. Amounts increase as educators obtain more formal education, and educators must remain in their early education program for at least six months to qualify for an award. In FY22, Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska provided supplements to 35 family child care educators; turnover among recipients was only 3%, much lower than the estimated 26-40% turnover rate among educators in licensed child care programs nationwide. This program is part of the national Child Care WAGE$ Program and is currently available in select counties across the state. The Child Care WAGE$ Program supports educators and directors in center-based, family child care, and other licensed child care programs serving children from birth to 5 years old. Learn More: Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska Sources: Nebraska AEYC. (n.d.). Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska. Nebraska AEYC. (n.d.). Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska: FY22 Results
  • Workforce
    • Bonuses and Supplemental Pay
      • Professional Learning
      $300 to $3,500 per educator per year, with an average supplement of $2,134
      Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska provides supplemental pay to early childhood educators based on their education level and commitment to their early education program. WAGE$ is designed to retain and support the professional development of early education professionals; in turn, this creates a more stable workforce with the skills needed to support young children's healthy learning and development. Bonuses range from $300 to $3,500 per educator per year, with an average annual payment of $2,134. Amounts increase as educators obtain more formal education, and educators must remain in their early education program for at least six months to qualify for an award. In FY22, Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska provided supplements to 35 family child care educators; turnover among recipients was only 3%, much lower than the estimated 26-40% turnover rate among educators in licensed child care programs nationwide. This program is part of the national Child Care WAGE$ Program and is currently available in select counties across the state. The Child Care WAGE$ Program supports educators and directors in center-based, family child care, and other licensed child care programs serving children from birth to 5 years old. Learn More: Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska Sources: Nebraska AEYC. (n.d.). Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska. Nebraska AEYC. (n.d.). Child Care WAGE$ Nebraska: FY22 Results
      Nebraska Education Innovation Fund
      Since 1993, Nebraska has allocated a portion of lottery ticket sales to the Education Innovation Fund, which is used to support grants from early childhood through adult education. As of July 2016, this funding allocation for education was just over 44% of the state’s lottery ticket sales. Learn More: Nebraska Early Childhood Education State Report Source: Nebraska Lottery. (2023). Proceeds Transferred Since 1993.
      • Dedicated Funding Streams & Financing
        • Revenue
          • Lottery Revenue
        State Dedicated Funding Stream
        44% of revenue from lottery ticket sales are used to support education, including early childhood education
        Since 1993, Nebraska has allocated a portion of lottery ticket sales to the Education Innovation Fund, which is used to support grants from early childhood through adult education. As of July 2016, this funding allocation for education was just over 44% of the state’s lottery ticket sales. Learn More: Nebraska Early Childhood Education State Report Source: Nebraska Lottery. (2023). Proceeds Transferred Since 1993.
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        Demographics Link copied!

        Demographics Data Scorecard

        State population

        1,967,923 Source U.S. Census, 2022

        Rural %

        27.0% Source U.S. Census, 2020

        Urban %

        73.0% Source U.S. Census, 2020

        Number of children 0–4

        125,790 Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

        Poverty levels - children 0—8 below 200% poverty

        34% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

        Median family income among households with children

        $91,000.00 Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

        Unemployment rate

        2.6% Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 2022

        Unemployment rate of parents

        2% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

        Children under age 6 with all available parents in the labor force

        72% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

        Children living in households with a high housing cost burden

        22% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

        Child Population by Race and Ethnicity Source KIDS COUNT, 2021

        Race and Ethnicity

        • American Indian and Alaska Native (1%)
        • Asian (3%)
        • Black or African American (6%)
        • Hispanic or Latino (19%)
        • Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (.49%)
        • Two or more races (4%)
        • White, not Hispanic or Latino (67%)

        Note: The Nebraska Legislature is unicameral, meaning that it's not separated into two houses. The legislators are called senators. The Legislature is officially nonpartisan and doesn't recognize the senators' party affiliations. In practice, however, a large majority of senators are Republicans.

        Year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
        Governor R R R R R
        State Senate - - - - -

        Early Childhood Education Programs Link copied!

        Early Childhood Education Programs Source: NIEER, 2023

        Public Pre-K Program Name

        Nebraska Early Childhood Education Program Source: NIEER 2023

        Universal or Targeted Pre-K Policy

        Targeted Pre-K Policy (3- and 4-Year-Olds) Source: NIEER 2023

        Early Childhood Education Programs (3-Year-Olds) Source: NIEER 2021


        • Percent of 3-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Public Early Childhood Education Programs (16%)
        • 3-Year-old Children Enrolled in Head Start (3%)
        • Other/None (81%)

        Early Childhood Education Programs (4-Year-Olds) Source: NIEER 2021


        • Percent of 4-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Public Early Childhood Education Programs (33%)
        • 4-Year-old Children Enrolled in Head Start (3%)
        • Other/None (64%)

        Workforce Link copied!

        2017–2019 Median Hourly Wages Source CSCCE 2018, 2020


        • Child Care Workers
          $10.81 (2017, adjusted)
          $11.12 (2019)
        • Preschool Teachers
          $18.17 (2017, adjusted)
          $17.11 (2019)
        • Preschool or Child Care Center Directors
          $23.55 (2017, adjusted)
          $22.29 (2019)

        Funding Sources Link copied!

        Federal and State Early Childhood Education Funding (in Millions) Source First Five Years Fund, 2022

        Funding Source

        • Head Start and Early Head Start Funding ($64.6)
        • CCDBG & Mandatory Funds ($55.0)
        • CCDBG State Match ($6.5)
        • CCDBG COVID Relief Allocations - CARES, CRRSE, ARPA (CCDF & Stabilization) ($312.1)
        • State-Funded Pre-K ($28.7)
        • MIECHV ($1.3)
        • IDEA Part C ($4.3)
        • IDEA Part B, Sec 619 ($3.6)
        • TANF Early Learning and Care ($18.4)
        • Preschool Development Grant Birth ($11.6)