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Strategy Name Strategy Type(s) Year Funding Amount Funding Source Features at a Glance
Preschool Promise
Preschool Promise—funded by Montgomery County, the City of Dayton, and local philanthropists—is a nonprofit organization that helps young children get ready for kindergarten; it "promises" one year of affordable, high-quality preschool for all four-year-olds in the county. Established in 2016, Preschool Promise partners with families, providers, and community leaders to ensure that quality early childhood experiences are accessible from the prenatal period to age five, particularly for Black children and children from lower-income families. The nonprofit has partnered with over 120 licensed preschool and child care sites, which collectively care for and educate over 3,000 preschoolers each year.  In 2016, voters in the City of Dayton approved a 0.25% earned income tax increase to support Preschool Promise, which went into effect in 2017. The eight-year levy, which has raised an estimated $11 million annually, passed with 54% of the vote.  LEARN MORE: Preschool Promise Sources: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. (n.d.). Preschool Promise EIR - Conscious Discipline Impact Study.EditSign
  • Dedicated Funding Streams & Financing
    • Taxes
    2016 $11 million annually
    0.25% earned income tax increase supports Preschool Promise, a nonprofit that partners with over 120 licensed preschool and child care sites across the county which collectively care for and educate over 3,000 preschoolers each year
    Preschool Promise—funded by Montgomery County, the City of Dayton, and local philanthropists—is a nonprofit organization that helps young children get ready for kindergarten; it "promises" one year of affordable, high-quality preschool for all four-year-olds in the county. Established in 2016, Preschool Promise partners with families, providers, and community leaders to ensure that quality early childhood experiences are accessible from the prenatal period to age five, particularly for Black children and children from lower-income families. The nonprofit has partnered with over 120 licensed preschool and child care sites, which collectively care for and educate over 3,000 preschoolers each year.  In 2016, voters in the City of Dayton approved a 0.25% earned income tax increase to support Preschool Promise, which went into effect in 2017. The eight-year levy, which has raised an estimated $11 million annually, passed with 54% of the vote.  LEARN MORE: Preschool Promise Sources: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. (n.d.). Preschool Promise EIR - Conscious Discipline Impact Study.EditSign
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    Demographics Link copied!

    County population

    533,796 Source U.S. Census Bureau, 2023

    Rural %

    5.52% Source U.S. Census Bureau, 2020

    Urban %

    94.48% Source U.S. Census Bureau, 2020

    Number of children age 0-4

    5.80% Source U.S. Census Bureau, 2023

    Children under 18 in families below poverty line

    20% Source Census Reporter, 2022

    Median household income

    $62,728 Source Census Reporter, 2022

    Unemployment rate

    4.50% Source Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, 2024