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Strategy Name Strategy Type(s) Year Funding Amount Funding Source Features at a Glance
Community College Tuition Partnership Program
In 2022, the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) established the Community College Tuition Partnership Program, which is funded by the San Diego Quality Preschool Initiative (SDQPI) and First 5 San Diego. SDCOE partners with community colleges across the county to offer free tuition for early childhood educators to attain their associate degree in child development. The program also covers costs associated with technology, books, and other necessary resources. Those eligible for tuition assistance include teachers, instructional aides, support staff, and administrators employed at sites that participate in SDQPI.  Sources: San Diego County Office of Education. (n.d.). Workforce Investment Program Tuition Assistance. San Diego County Office of Education. (2022). SDQPI and First 5 San Diego Partner to Provide Free Tuition to Early Education Providers.
  • Workforce
    • Bonuses and Supplemental Pay
    • California DOE
    • First Five California
    • Quality Counts California (dedicated funding stream)
    Partnership with community colleges across the county to offer free tuition for early childhood educators to attain their associate degree in child development
    In 2022, the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) established the Community College Tuition Partnership Program, which is funded by the San Diego Quality Preschool Initiative (SDQPI) and First 5 San Diego. SDCOE partners with community colleges across the county to offer free tuition for early childhood educators to attain their associate degree in child development. The program also covers costs associated with technology, books, and other necessary resources. Those eligible for tuition assistance include teachers, instructional aides, support staff, and administrators employed at sites that participate in SDQPI.  Sources: San Diego County Office of Education. (n.d.). Workforce Investment Program Tuition Assistance. San Diego County Office of Education. (2022). SDQPI and First 5 San Diego Partner to Provide Free Tuition to Early Education Providers.
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    Demographics Link copied!

    County population

    3,269,973 Source U.S. Census Bureau, 2022

    Rural %

    4.39% Source U.S. Census Bureau, 2020

    Urban %

    95.61% Source U.S. Census Bureau, 2020

    Number of children age 0-4

    5.50% Source U.S. Census Bureau, 2023

    Children under 18 in families below poverty line

    8.50% Source Census Reporter, 2022

    Median household income

    $98,928 Source Census Reporter, 2022

    Unemployment rate

    4.70% Source State of California, 2024

    Percentage of children without secure parental employment

    24.60% Source Kids Data, 2021

    Households with a high housing cost burden

    42.50% Source Kids Data, 2019