Center For Early Childhood Professional Development


  • Professional Learning


The Center for Early Childhood Professional Development (CECPD) in Oklahoma is a centralized statewide program that offers conferences and training opportunities to early childhood teachers and directors/administrators. CECPD was created in 1998 with federal child development block grant funds. Now, most funding is provided by Oklahoma Department of Human Services/Child Care Services. CECPD is open to people who work in licensed child care facilities throughout Oklahoma. The Instructional Coaching Institute is a 3-day intense professional development program specifically for instructional classroom coaches. Coaching Innovations is a continuation of the Institute, providing targeted and individualized on-site professional development for instructional coaches. Teachers receive professional development in early literacy foundations for children birth through kindergarten, and literacy sessions are also available online.


Center for Early Childhood Professional Development. (n.d.). About Us.

Oklahoma Human Services. (n.d.). Center for Early Childhood Professional Development.

University of Oklahoma. (n.d.). Instructional Coaching Innovations Center for Early Childhood Professional Development.

Connections to Key Early Learning Study at Harvard (ELS@H) Findings:

The early education workforce is the foundation upon which all daily work and any expansion and quality improvement efforts rest. Research suggests that states and cities should invest in the workforce across all early education setting types, focusing on enhancing educators’ professional learning,Professional learning: Learning and support activities (e.g., coaching) that help develop educators’ competencies and skills. compensation, and workplace conditions.

Findings from the Early Learning Study at Harvard (ELS@H) show:

  • Early educators play a critical role in supporting the well-being of young children and families across setting types.
  • Yet their pay, benefits, and other professional supports are often inadequate in light of the job demands and their cost of living.
Learn More about ELS@H Findings

Learn more about Oklahoma

Context matters. Visit the Oklahoma profile page to learn more about its demographics, political landscape, early education programs, early education workforce, and funding sources and streams.

Visit the Oklahoma Profile Here
  • The state population is 4,019,800
  • The percentage of children under 6 with all available parents in the workforce is 63%
  • The rural percentage is 35.4%