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Boston Universal Pre-Kindergarten
Since 2005, Boston’s mixed-delivery Universal Pre-K (UPK)  system has been offered to families with 4-year-olds for 6.5 hours per day, 180 days per year. Universal Pre-K programs in Boston are housed in Boston Public Schools, community-based providers, and family child care providers. Additionally, the city opened applications in March 2023 to include family child care providers in the cohort of programs eligible to offer UPK seats. Learn More: Boston Universal Pre-Kindergarten Sources:Boston Public Schools. (n.d.). About Boston Universal Pre-K.Boston Public Schools. (2022). Boston Universal Pre-K Program 2021-2022 Year in Review.City of Boston. (2023). Steps Taken to Increase Availability, Variety of Preschool Seats for Boston Families.
Boston, Massachusetts
  • Expansion
    • Public Pre-K
      • Universal Pre-K Policy (4-Year-Olds)
    2005 $20 million in FY23
    • City Dedicated Funding Stream
    • Philanthropic Funds
    • Number of 3- and 4-year-olds seats: ~4,000
    • Minimum hours of operation: 6.5 hrs/day; 180 days/yr
    Since 2005, Boston’s mixed-delivery Universal Pre-K (UPK)  system has been offered to families with 4-year-olds for 6.5 hours per day, 180 days per year. Universal Pre-K programs in Boston are housed in Boston Public Schools, community-based providers, and family child care providers. Additionally, the city opened applications in March 2023 to include family child care providers in the cohort of programs eligible to offer UPK seats. Learn More: Boston Universal Pre-Kindergarten Sources:Boston Public Schools. (n.d.). About Boston Universal Pre-K.Boston Public Schools. (2022). Boston Universal Pre-K Program 2021-2022 Year in Review.City of Boston. (2023). Steps Taken to Increase Availability, Variety of Preschool Seats for Boston Families.
    Brighter Futures Indiana Data Center
    Brighter Futures Indiana Data Center, created in 2019 by the Indiana Family and Social Services Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning and Early Learning Indiana, is a data visualization tool. It provides demographic and program data on capacity, quality, supply, demand, affordability, subsidized care, and types of early childhood education programs and services. The public tool has data specifically curated for families, providers, and community members. The Data Center was created using funds from the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5). Learn more: Brighter Futures Indiana Data Center Sources:Indiana Family and Social Services Administration. (2019). Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning (OECOSL) Preschool Development Grant
    • Infrastructure to Support Early Childhood Systems
      • Data Systems
      Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five
      Data Visualization Tool
      Brighter Futures Indiana Data Center, created in 2019 by the Indiana Family and Social Services Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning and Early Learning Indiana, is a data visualization tool. It provides demographic and program data on capacity, quality, supply, demand, affordability, subsidized care, and types of early childhood education programs and services. The public tool has data specifically curated for families, providers, and community members. The Data Center was created using funds from the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5). Learn more: Brighter Futures Indiana Data Center Sources:Indiana Family and Social Services Administration. (2019). Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning (OECOSL) Preschool Development Grant
      California Universal Prekindergarten
      In 2021, California legislators approved a plan to provide universal prekindergarten (UPK) to all four-year-olds and targeted pre-K to income-eligible three-year-olds in the state by 2025-26. California UPK employs a mixed-delivery system that comprises programs across the early care and education ecosystem, including the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) and transitional kindergarten (TK), which are both offered by the California Department of Education; Head Start; family child care; private preschools; and community-based organizations. The rollout of UPK is supported by the Universal Prekindergarten Mixed Delivery Planning Grant, which funds local working groups in each county to align plans to expand UPK with those of local education agencies and the county office of education.   Most of the funding for UPK was allocated to expand transitional kindergarten, a free state-wide prekindergarten program for all four-year-olds, regardless of family income. TK programs are administered by K-12 public school districts in California and constitute the first year of a two-year program whose second year is kindergarten. They use a modified kindergarten curriculum, which is aligned with the California Preschool Learning Foundations developed by the California Department of Education. In TK alone, California public schools will serve around 300,000 four-year-olds by 2025-26.  LEARN MORE: CALIFORNIA UNIVERSAL PRE-K Sources: San Francisco Department of Early Childhood. (n.d.). Universal Pre-K FAQ. Leung-Gagné, M., & Melnick, H. (2023). Assessing the phase-in of California’s ambitious universal prekindergarten program. EdSource. Leung-Gagné, M., Wang, V., Melnick, H., & Mauerman, C. (2023). How Are California School Districts Planning for Universal Prekindergarten? Results From a 2022 Survey. Learning Policy Institute.
      • Expansion
        • Public Pre-K
          • Universal Pre-K Policy (4-Year-Olds)
            • Targeted Pre-K Policy (3-Year-Olds)
          2021 $2 billion in FY22
          State-Funded Pre-K
          Expands universal prekindergarten to all four-year-olds and targeted prekindergarten to income-eligible three-year-olds in the state by 2025-26
          In 2021, California legislators approved a plan to provide universal prekindergarten (UPK) to all four-year-olds and targeted pre-K to income-eligible three-year-olds in the state by 2025-26. California UPK employs a mixed-delivery system that comprises programs across the early care and education ecosystem, including the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) and transitional kindergarten (TK), which are both offered by the California Department of Education; Head Start; family child care; private preschools; and community-based organizations. The rollout of UPK is supported by the Universal Prekindergarten Mixed Delivery Planning Grant, which funds local working groups in each county to align plans to expand UPK with those of local education agencies and the county office of education.   Most of the funding for UPK was allocated to expand transitional kindergarten, a free state-wide prekindergarten program for all four-year-olds, regardless of family income. TK programs are administered by K-12 public school districts in California and constitute the first year of a two-year program whose second year is kindergarten. They use a modified kindergarten curriculum, which is aligned with the California Preschool Learning Foundations developed by the California Department of Education. In TK alone, California public schools will serve around 300,000 four-year-olds by 2025-26.  LEARN MORE: CALIFORNIA UNIVERSAL PRE-K Sources: San Francisco Department of Early Childhood. (n.d.). Universal Pre-K FAQ. Leung-Gagné, M., & Melnick, H. (2023). Assessing the phase-in of California’s ambitious universal prekindergarten program. EdSource. Leung-Gagné, M., Wang, V., Melnick, H., & Mauerman, C. (2023). How Are California School Districts Planning for Universal Prekindergarten? Results From a 2022 Survey. Learning Policy Institute.
          Center For Early Childhood Professional Development
          The Center for Early Childhood Professional Development (CECPD) in Oklahoma is a centralized statewide program that offers conferences and training opportunities to early childhood teachers and directors/administrators. CECPD was created in 1998 with federal child development block grant funds. Now, most funding is provided by Oklahoma Department of Human Services/Child Care Services. CECPD is open to people who work in licensed child care facilities throughout Oklahoma. The Instructional Coaching Institute is a 3-day intense professional development program specifically for instructional classroom coaches. Coaching Innovations is a continuation of the Institute, providing targeted and individualized on-site professional development for instructional coaches. Teachers receive professional development in early literacy foundations for children birth through kindergarten, and literacy sessions are also available online. Learn more: Center for Early Childhood Professional Development Sources: Center for Early Childhood Professional Development. (n.d.). About Us. Oklahoma Human Services. (n.d.). Center for Early Childhood Professional Development. University of Oklahoma. (n.d.). Instructional Coaching Innovations Center for Early Childhood Professional Development.
          • Workforce
            • Professional Learning
            Includes training, coaching, support for instructional coaches
            The Center for Early Childhood Professional Development (CECPD) in Oklahoma is a centralized statewide program that offers conferences and training opportunities to early childhood teachers and directors/administrators. CECPD was created in 1998 with federal child development block grant funds. Now, most funding is provided by Oklahoma Department of Human Services/Child Care Services. CECPD is open to people who work in licensed child care facilities throughout Oklahoma. The Instructional Coaching Institute is a 3-day intense professional development program specifically for instructional classroom coaches. Coaching Innovations is a continuation of the Institute, providing targeted and individualized on-site professional development for instructional coaches. Teachers receive professional development in early literacy foundations for children birth through kindergarten, and literacy sessions are also available online. Learn more: Center for Early Childhood Professional Development Sources: Center for Early Childhood Professional Development. (n.d.). About Us. Oklahoma Human Services. (n.d.). Center for Early Childhood Professional Development. University of Oklahoma. (n.d.). Instructional Coaching Innovations Center for Early Childhood Professional Development.
            Center for Early Learning Professionals
            Rhode Island’s Center for Early Learning Professionals offers in-person, online, and hybrid professional development opportunities in the form of intensive, multi-session training series. Participants receive assignments to apply skills in their work. The Center also offers on-site coaching and mentoring to support training implementation. Diverse training is open to all early care and education professionals in Rhode Island who serve children age birth to 5 in child care centers, family child care homes, public school inclusion preschools, and state-funded pre-K programs. The Center is funded by the Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) as the workforce development hub for the birth-to-5 early learning community. The Center partners with BrightStars and other DHS-funded community partners to coordinate the delivery of services to best meet the individual needs of programs and providers. Learn more: Rhode Island Center for Early Learning Professionals Sources: Center for Early Learning Professionals. (n.d.). CELP PD. Center for Early Learning Professionals. (n.d.). What we do.
            Rhode Island
            • Workforce
              • Professional Learning
              Includes coaching, training, and an online component
              Rhode Island’s Center for Early Learning Professionals offers in-person, online, and hybrid professional development opportunities in the form of intensive, multi-session training series. Participants receive assignments to apply skills in their work. The Center also offers on-site coaching and mentoring to support training implementation. Diverse training is open to all early care and education professionals in Rhode Island who serve children age birth to 5 in child care centers, family child care homes, public school inclusion preschools, and state-funded pre-K programs. The Center is funded by the Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) as the workforce development hub for the birth-to-5 early learning community. The Center partners with BrightStars and other DHS-funded community partners to coordinate the delivery of services to best meet the individual needs of programs and providers. Learn more: Rhode Island Center for Early Learning Professionals Sources: Center for Early Learning Professionals. (n.d.). CELP PD. Center for Early Learning Professionals. (n.d.). What we do.
              Chicago Early Childhood Integrated Data System (CECIDS)
              In 2022, the Northern Illinois University Research & Data Collaborative launched the Chicago Early Childhood Integrated Data System (CECIDS), which is governed by the City of Chicago. The system functions as a cloud-based data hub and data visualization tool for demographic, program, and individual data related to 52 specific early childhood questions and use cases. CECIDS is governed by multiple agencies and organizations (e.g., City of Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, Chicago Public Schools, and Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies, and others) and shares state and city data across multiple stakeholders (e.g., City of Chicago: Mayor’s Office, Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development, Illinois Action for Children, Illinois Department of Human Services, Illinois State Board of Education, and others) for public use. CECIDS hosts a data dashboard and data visualization tool with demographic and program eligibility and services data. The system is funded by philanthropic donations, the City of Chicago, and the State of Illinois. Learn more/source: Chicago Early Childhood Integrated Data System
              Chicago, Illinois
              • Infrastructure to Support Early Childhood Systems
                • Data Systems
                • Philanthropic Funds
                • City of Chicago, State of Illinois
                • City’s Early Learning Fund administered by the Department of Family and Support Services and philanthropic contributions from the Robert R. McCormick Foundation and Crown Family Philanthropies
                Early Childhood Integrated Data System
                In 2022, the Northern Illinois University Research & Data Collaborative launched the Chicago Early Childhood Integrated Data System (CECIDS), which is governed by the City of Chicago. The system functions as a cloud-based data hub and data visualization tool for demographic, program, and individual data related to 52 specific early childhood questions and use cases. CECIDS is governed by multiple agencies and organizations (e.g., City of Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, Chicago Public Schools, and Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies, and others) and shares state and city data across multiple stakeholders (e.g., City of Chicago: Mayor’s Office, Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development, Illinois Action for Children, Illinois Department of Human Services, Illinois State Board of Education, and others) for public use. CECIDS hosts a data dashboard and data visualization tool with demographic and program eligibility and services data. The system is funded by philanthropic donations, the City of Chicago, and the State of Illinois. Learn more/source: Chicago Early Childhood Integrated Data System
                Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship
                In 2018, through a partnership between the Mayor’s Office, City Colleges of Chicago (CCC), Harry S. Truman College, Chicago Public Schools (CPS), and the Department of Family & Support Services (DFSS), Chicago created the Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship (CELWS) initiative. CELWS empowers the early learning workforce to take courses and earn a credential, degree, endorsement or licensure to work with young children (birth through pre-K) and families in Chicago programs. The scholarship covers 100% of tuition, plus up to $250 in books per course, but it functions as a “last dollar” scholarship in that it covers everything that students’ federal grants and other scholarships do not. The scholarship is open to any Chicago resident who wants to enter the early childhood workforce. Parents of children enrolled in a Chicago program and recent high-school graduates are encouraged to apply, and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients are eligible. CELWS recipients must commit to working in a Chicago early learning program (including CPS Pre-K and Head Start/Early Head Start/PFA/PI funded community-based programs) for a minimum of three years after completing the degree or approved academic program. Learn more: Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship Source: Chicago Early Learning. (n.d.). Workforce Scholarship.
                Chicago, Illinois
                • Workforce
                  • Professional Learning
                  Scholarship covers 100% of tuition plus $250 in books per course
                  In 2018, through a partnership between the Mayor’s Office, City Colleges of Chicago (CCC), Harry S. Truman College, Chicago Public Schools (CPS), and the Department of Family & Support Services (DFSS), Chicago created the Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship (CELWS) initiative. CELWS empowers the early learning workforce to take courses and earn a credential, degree, endorsement or licensure to work with young children (birth through pre-K) and families in Chicago programs. The scholarship covers 100% of tuition, plus up to $250 in books per course, but it functions as a “last dollar” scholarship in that it covers everything that students’ federal grants and other scholarships do not. The scholarship is open to any Chicago resident who wants to enter the early childhood workforce. Parents of children enrolled in a Chicago program and recent high-school graduates are encouraged to apply, and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients are eligible. CELWS recipients must commit to working in a Chicago early learning program (including CPS Pre-K and Head Start/Early Head Start/PFA/PI funded community-based programs) for a minimum of three years after completing the degree or approved academic program. Learn more: Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship Source: Chicago Early Learning. (n.d.). Workforce Scholarship.
                  Child Care Affordability Program (CCAP) Child Care Employment Award
                  On July 1, 2024, Maine’s Office of Child and Family Services launched the Child Care Affordability Program (CCAP) Child Care Employment Award, a 2-year pilot program designed to make child care more affordable for those working in the state’s licensed child care programs. The program is made possible by $2.5 million per year in State General Funds and ends in June 2026.  All staff employed by licensed child care programs are eligible to apply for the Child Care Employment Award to help cover the cost of child care for their children. This includes all staff roles and all types of licensed programs. An applicant’s children can be enrolled in the child care program where the staff member works or at another licensed child care program in the state. To be eligible for the Child Care Employment award, the parent must be working at and the child must be enrolled in a licensed child care program that is part of Maine’s quality rating and improvement system, in which all staff are in Maine’s early childhood education workforce registry, that is participating in the Salary Supplement Program, and that is a qualified CCAP child care provider.  Payments—which are sent directly to the child care provider—are based on the county where the program is located, the age of the child, and the type of program in which the child is enrolled.  learn more: Child Care Affordability Program Child Care Employment Award Sources: Office of Child and Family Services. (2024). Memorandum: CCAP Child Care Employment Award. Maine Department of Health and Human Services.
                  • Workforce
                    • Benefits
                    2024 $2.5 million per year
                    State General Funds
                    2-year pilot program is designed to make child care more affordable for those working in the state’s licensed child care programs
                    On July 1, 2024, Maine’s Office of Child and Family Services launched the Child Care Affordability Program (CCAP) Child Care Employment Award, a 2-year pilot program designed to make child care more affordable for those working in the state’s licensed child care programs. The program is made possible by $2.5 million per year in State General Funds and ends in June 2026.  All staff employed by licensed child care programs are eligible to apply for the Child Care Employment Award to help cover the cost of child care for their children. This includes all staff roles and all types of licensed programs. An applicant’s children can be enrolled in the child care program where the staff member works or at another licensed child care program in the state. To be eligible for the Child Care Employment award, the parent must be working at and the child must be enrolled in a licensed child care program that is part of Maine’s quality rating and improvement system, in which all staff are in Maine’s early childhood education workforce registry, that is participating in the Salary Supplement Program, and that is a qualified CCAP child care provider.  Payments—which are sent directly to the child care provider—are based on the county where the program is located, the age of the child, and the type of program in which the child is enrolled.  learn more: Child Care Affordability Program Child Care Employment Award Sources: Office of Child and Family Services. (2024). Memorandum: CCAP Child Care Employment Award. Maine Department of Health and Human Services.
                    Child Care and Development Infrastructure Grant Program
                    In 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill No. 131 into law. The bill includes $579 million in funding for child care and preschool providers, including $250 million in infrastructure grants to build or renovate child care facilities, with a focus on underserved areas. This law establishes the Early Learning and Care Infrastructure Grant Program under the administration of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to expand access to early learning and care opportunities for children up to five years of age by providing resources to build new facilities or retrofit, renovate, or expand existing facilities. This law appropriates $245,000,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Education for these purposes, to be released on a prescribed schedule. The Early Learning and Care Infrastructure Grant Fund offers up to $1.5 million for Child Care and Development Centers and up to $100,000 for Family Child Care homes. The grant can be used to increase licensed spaces by renovating or building out an existing facility by adding classrooms, constructing a brand-new center-based facility, replacing a facility lost due to a state or federally declared disaster, or expanding Small Family Child Care Homes to Large Family Child Care Homes. Learn More: child care and development Infrastructure Grant Program Sources:Northern California Small Business Development Center. (n.d.). Infrastructure Grant ProgramCalifornia Legislature. (n.d.). AB-131 Child Development Programs.Office of Governor Gavin Newsom. (2021). Governor Newsom Signs Legislation Supporting Working Families and Child Care Providers.California Department of Social Services. (n.d.). New Construction and Major Renovation.
                    • Expansion
                      • Physical Space and Facilities
                      2021 $579 million annually
                      Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five
                      Ongoing funding
                      In 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill No. 131 into law. The bill includes $579 million in funding for child care and preschool providers, including $250 million in infrastructure grants to build or renovate child care facilities, with a focus on underserved areas. This law establishes the Early Learning and Care Infrastructure Grant Program under the administration of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to expand access to early learning and care opportunities for children up to five years of age by providing resources to build new facilities or retrofit, renovate, or expand existing facilities. This law appropriates $245,000,000 from the General Fund to the State Department of Education for these purposes, to be released on a prescribed schedule. The Early Learning and Care Infrastructure Grant Fund offers up to $1.5 million for Child Care and Development Centers and up to $100,000 for Family Child Care homes. The grant can be used to increase licensed spaces by renovating or building out an existing facility by adding classrooms, constructing a brand-new center-based facility, replacing a facility lost due to a state or federally declared disaster, or expanding Small Family Child Care Homes to Large Family Child Care Homes. Learn More: child care and development Infrastructure Grant Program Sources:Northern California Small Business Development Center. (n.d.). Infrastructure Grant ProgramCalifornia Legislature. (n.d.). AB-131 Child Development Programs.Office of Governor Gavin Newsom. (2021). Governor Newsom Signs Legislation Supporting Working Families and Child Care Providers.California Department of Social Services. (n.d.). New Construction and Major Renovation.
                      Child Care Business Incentive Grant Program
                      In 2021, through Executive Order 8, Governor Kim Reynolds created the Child Care Task Force in response to the state's child care shortage; the Child Care Business Incentive Grant Program was created as part of the task force’s work. The grant program helps employers offer or expand on-site child care. In September 2022, $26.6 million was awarded for 23 projects and 1,786 new child care slots; in January 2023, another $443,234 was awarded for 5 projects and 77 new child care slots. Federal American Rescue Plan Act funds are being used for this grant program. Learn More: Iowa's Child Care Grants Sources: State of Iowa. (n.d.). Child Care Grants.State of Iowa. (2021). Governor's Child Care Task Force Report.Office of the Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds. (2022). Gov. Reynolds announces $25M Child Care Business Incentive Grant Program.
                      • Expansion
                        • Physical Space and Facilities
                        2021 $26.6 million in 2022; $443,234 in 2023
                        CCDBG COVID Relief Allocations – CARES, CRRSE, ARPA (CCDF & Stabilization)
                        One-time funding
                        In 2021, through Executive Order 8, Governor Kim Reynolds created the Child Care Task Force in response to the state's child care shortage; the Child Care Business Incentive Grant Program was created as part of the task force’s work. The grant program helps employers offer or expand on-site child care. In September 2022, $26.6 million was awarded for 23 projects and 1,786 new child care slots; in January 2023, another $443,234 was awarded for 5 projects and 77 new child care slots. Federal American Rescue Plan Act funds are being used for this grant program. Learn More: Iowa's Child Care Grants Sources: State of Iowa. (n.d.). Child Care Grants.State of Iowa. (2021). Governor's Child Care Task Force Report.Office of the Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds. (2022). Gov. Reynolds announces $25M Child Care Business Incentive Grant Program.
                        Child Care Capacity Accelerator Grant Program
                        In 2022, the state used Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) funding to create a grant program to support construction, major renovation, and operational activities to add high-quality and sustainable licensed childcare seats. The Child Care Capacity Accelerator grant program is administered through the Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund (KCCTF) and the Kansas Department for Children and Families. A maximum of $39 million will be awarded for capital investments/construction and operational costs incurred during the project period. While there is no set minimum or maximum award amount, KCCTF anticipates awards in the range of $250,000 to $2,000,000 for collaborative projects that significantly close the child care capacity gap. Learn More: Child care capacity accelerator Sources: All in for Kansas Kids. (n.d.). Child Care Capacity Accelerator.Kansas State Department of Education. (n.d.). Information on Child Care Capacity Accelerator Community Grant Opportunity.Kansas State Department of Education. (2022). SPARK executive committee recommendations.
                        • Expansion
                          • Physical Space and Facilities
                          2022 $39 million
                          CCDBG COVID Relief Allocations – CARES, CRRSE, ARPA (CCDF & Stabilization)
                          One-time funding
                          In 2022, the state used Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) funding to create a grant program to support construction, major renovation, and operational activities to add high-quality and sustainable licensed childcare seats. The Child Care Capacity Accelerator grant program is administered through the Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund (KCCTF) and the Kansas Department for Children and Families. A maximum of $39 million will be awarded for capital investments/construction and operational costs incurred during the project period. While there is no set minimum or maximum award amount, KCCTF anticipates awards in the range of $250,000 to $2,000,000 for collaborative projects that significantly close the child care capacity gap. Learn More: Child care capacity accelerator Sources: All in for Kansas Kids. (n.d.). Child Care Capacity Accelerator.Kansas State Department of Education. (n.d.). Information on Child Care Capacity Accelerator Community Grant Opportunity.Kansas State Department of Education. (2022). SPARK executive committee recommendations.
                          Child Care Creation Grant Program
                          In 2022, the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development launched the Child Care Creation Grant Program using Community Development Block Grant CARES Act funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The program aims to expand child care capacity in Tennessee by providing $9 million in grants with a maximum award of $500,000. Only non-home-based providers are eligible for funding, which can be used for the following: acquisition of property, building, or structure; rehabilitation of facilities; purchase of equipment; and clearance or demolition of structures. Learn More: child care creation grant program Source: Greater Nashville Regional Council. (n.d.). Child care creation grant program.
                          • Expansion
                            • Physical Space and Facilities
                            2022 $9 million
                            CCDBG COVID Relief Allocations – CARES, CRRSE, ARPA (CCDF & Stabilization)
                            One-time funding
                            In 2022, the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development launched the Child Care Creation Grant Program using Community Development Block Grant CARES Act funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The program aims to expand child care capacity in Tennessee by providing $9 million in grants with a maximum award of $500,000. Only non-home-based providers are eligible for funding, which can be used for the following: acquisition of property, building, or structure; rehabilitation of facilities; purchase of equipment; and clearance or demolition of structures. Learn More: child care creation grant program Source: Greater Nashville Regional Council. (n.d.). Child care creation grant program.