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Strategy Name | Strategy Type(s) | Year | Funding Amount | Funding Source | Features at a Glance | |
Portland Children’s Levy
In 2002, voters first approved a levy to support early childhood education through property taxes. It was renewed in 2008 with the approval of 72 percent of voters, in 2013 with 74 percent, and in 2018 with 83 percent. The levy requests $0.4026 per $1,000 of assessed property value, generating approximately $27 million annually. Funds from the levy support citywide early childhood, after-school, mentoring, child abuse prevention/intervention, foster care, and hunger relief programs. In the 2021-22 grant cycle, the Children’s Levy devoted 27% of its funds, or $7.4 million, to early learning – its largest concentration of investment by far.
Learn More: Portland Children's Levy
League of Women Voters of Portland. (n.d.). Renew Portland Children’s Levy for five years.
The Oregonian Editorial Board. (2023). Editorial endorsement May 2023: Voters should renew Portland Children’s Levy and seek investment shift. The Oregonian.
2002 | $7.4 million |
City Dedicated Funding Stream
A property tax levy that, along with state matching funds, will provide child and family support services
In 2002, voters first approved a levy to support early childhood education through property taxes. It was renewed in 2008 with the approval of 72 percent of voters, in 2013 with 74 percent, and in 2018 with 83 percent. The levy requests $0.4026 per $1,000 of assessed property value, generating approximately $27 million annually. Funds from the levy support citywide early childhood, after-school, mentoring, child abuse prevention/intervention, foster care, and hunger relief programs. In the 2021-22 grant cycle, the Children’s Levy devoted 27% of its funds, or $7.4 million, to early learning – its largest concentration of investment by far.
Learn More: Portland Children's Levy
League of Women Voters of Portland. (n.d.). Renew Portland Children’s Levy for five years.
The Oregonian Editorial Board. (2023). Editorial endorsement May 2023: Voters should renew Portland Children’s Levy and seek investment shift. The Oregonian.
Demographics Link copied!
City population
635,067 Source U.S. Census Bureau, 2022
Persons under 5 years old
4.40% Source U.S. Census Bureau, 2022
Poverty levels: Children 0-8 below 200% poverty
N/A Source KIDS COUNT, 2021
Median family income among households with children
$111,300.00 Source KIDS COUNT, 2021
Unemployment rate
3.5% Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018
Unemployment rate of parents
26% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021
Children under age 6 with all available parents in the labor force
N/A Source KIDS COUNT, 2021
Children living in households with a high housing cost burden
33% Source KIDS COUNT, 2021